Proteque Intensive Therapeutic Skin Lotion - Naturasil - 1

Proteque Intensive Therapeutic Skin Lotion

Regular price $19.99 Sale

Proteque recommended by doctors
Recommended by Doctors and Dermatologists, Proteque (pronounced "pro-teck") is the first non-steroid, non-prescription product for hands, body, face, and feet eczema and irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) sufferers - adults, children, and infants.


Eczema and dermatitis are chronic skin problems that are not easy to cope with. Proteque can help. We were the first to introduce a non-steroid, over-the-counter formulation to manage these skin conditions. Doctors call it a steroid-sparing approach to skin disease management.



It addresses the concerns of physicians, parents, and patients about adverse long-term effects caused by prolonged use of topical corticosteroids, especially for children and recurring adult eczema. University pilot clinical research bears out our claim.


Proteque soothes irritated skin in FOUR CRUCIAL WAYS:

1.  Skin Barrier - A water-resistant layer protects against irritants

2.  Skin Calmer - Natural anti-inflammatory, non-steroid botanical ingredients stop itch, redness and relieve pain

3.  Skin Antimicrobial - Kills Staph. Aureus and E. Coli and 20 other bacteria/fungus

4.  Skin Reliever - Helps prevent and relieve symptoms of eczema and dermatitis


Over 4,000 Dermatologists and 3,000 Pediatricians, Allergists, Ob-Gyns and Family Practitioners in private practice, or at HMO's such as Kaiser Permanente, use our product themselves and recommend it to patients for eczema and dermatitis applications*